Wednesday, August 22, 2012


this is wht cms in mind hmmm... its common when u reach a point when nothing seem right bt nothing seem wrong either. I am in that phase at least i think so, its one classic example how times moves by and we just linger on to it but never get to the time. Recently one have my friend told a very intresting fact, he asked me does earning money make one happy?. Well to this we( I was with some of my friends) replied 'Yes'. To which he repiled ''No'' , well I was a bit curious about his ans but then he told us that if we think a little intellectually it is not the money earned but is not the money spent on our like that makes us happy. Well its quite true isn't it, sure if you hv a lot of money but have nothing to spent then what the use of money. Its just like gold in locker you have but no key. Its also what we always see is correct but not right. 

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